By being a member of BizBizze, you take the first steps to support women’s entrepreneurship and to support women to take a stronger place in work and social life. You can actively participate in our work as a member of BizBizze on this meaningful path that we set out together saying Stronger Together.

To become a member of BizBizze, you can fill out the form below or you can access the form from this link.

After filling the form completely, you will finish the membership application process by paying the BizBizze member admission fee and your annual membership fee.

In accordance with Article 19, paragraph 1 of our Regulation the admission fee and the annual membership fee for real persons are determined as follows.

Meembership Fee: For real person members the admission fee is 375,00-TL and annual membership fee is 175,00-TL, and for legal entity members admission fee is 500,00-TL and annual membership fee is 250,00-TL. The General Assembly is authorized to increase or decrease these amounts, during the membership application and before making the annual fee payment (i) those who prove that they are a student by submitting a student certificate not older than one (1) month, (ii) those who certify that they are retired and do not work in another job for a fee, ( ii) those who certify that they are entitled to unemployment pension, or (iii) those who certify that their monthly income is 20 percent or more lower than the minimum wage for the relevant year, the admission fee and the annual membership fee will be reduced by 50 percent.

The bank account information for our association is as follows:

Account Name: Bizbizze Kadınlar İçin Fikir ve Destek Derneği




IBAN: TR 8000 0320 0000 0000 5778 1381

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